
OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program)


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OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) is designed to assist with the educational costs of post-secondary students who are unable to fund college on their own. It is a "needs-based" program designed to supplement the financial resources that you (and your family or spouse, if applicable) are expected to contribute.

Visit   for further information on the OSAP program, including the online application.

Who is eligible for OSAP?

OSAP is available to   Ontario   residents who are a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident of Canada, or a Protected Person.

When determining eligibility, the government considers:

  • your marital status; the school you are attending; your program of study; your course load (you must be full-time to remain eligible for OSAP unless you are a student with a permanent disability - check with Student Services regarding potential accommodations available); your academic progress (you must pass at least 60% of the courses you are registered in; your own and your family's resources (where applicable).

You may not be eligible for OSAP, if you:

  • have defaulted on a previous student loan; have failed the credit check; have declared bankruptcy; are an international student; are studying on a part-time basis; or have underestimated your financial resources.

If you are an OSAP student who is considering dropping a course due to academic difficulty, we strongly suggest you consider the following as it may impact your ability to receive OSAP in the future:

  • Will dropping a course or courses reduce you to a part-time status?
  • Will you require OSAP in a future semester or academic year?
  • Do you have any restrictions on your OSAP file (academic probation, loan overawards, etc.?)

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you should discuss your situation with one of the staff in the Student Financial Assistance Office (SFAO).


If you drop to a part-time status, you will not be considered for OSAP funding, but will find yourself in an OSAP overaward (which you may have to repay before receiving OSAP again) and will most likely be placed on OSAP probation.

A student previously placed on OSAP academic probation may be restricted from receiving further OSAP assistance, the SFAO may be able to assist you with alternatives.

If you are in your last semester of academic studies, dropping a course or courses may not impact you other than the amount of OSAP funding you will have to repay.

It is also important to remember, when you are finished your postsecondary studies, your OSAP loans must be repaid.



Student Financial Assistance Office

Drop in to our office for assistance or contact us by phone or email. No appointment necessary.


We are co-located with   Financial Services in M1200


Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Summer Hours

Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Contact Us

Phone: 705-759-2554 ext. 2704
Email:   student.financial.assistance@saultcollege.ca